Tuesday, June 22, 2010

There once were 3 Stories of Toys

In the decade it's been since part two
The characters (and audience) grew
This tale of maturing
Is really quite stirring
Pixar's earned a great big "thank you."

I'll add my voice to the choir praising Pixar's first threequel – unlike other high-profile followups, this one more than lives up to the hype.

People praise kids' movies for "appealing to adults." Unfortunately, what that often ends up meaning is a bunch of snide jokes or easy parodies in the Shrek sequels – where Pixar excels is in making masterpieces that legitimately entertain the entire family. Because rather than offering up cheap pop-culture pot-shots, Pixar's delivered an unrivaled streak of spectacularly wonderful films that present evergreen themes under a shiny coat of CGI.

I won't recap the plot or share spoilers, but there's a moment in this movie where the overall theme of letting go becomes so sharply poignant that it elevates Toy Story 3 out of the "animation" category entirely. It's a lock for the Best Animated Picture win whenever the Oscars are next year, but based on the 2010 slate so far, it could be in contention for the real hardware. It's that good.

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't agree more. I love this franchise and am amazed that they've honed their storytelling to the point where they've arguably created the best and most satisfying three-film franchise -- among ranks of Ring and Bourne -- ever.
